Article Worksheet For Grade 1

Welcome to the Article Fill-in-the-Blanks Worksheet! Articles – “a,” “an,” and “the” – are essential parts of English grammar, yet their usage can sometimes be tricky. This Article Worksheet For Grade 1 is designed to help you practice using articles correctly in sentences.

Article Worksheet For Grade 1

Below, you’ll find a series of sentences with missing articles.

Save this image and then your task is to fill in the gaps with the appropriate article (“a,” “an,” or “the”). Pay attention to the context of each sentence to determine which article fits best. Let’s dive in and sharpen our article skills!

Article Worksheet For Grade 1


  1. I saw a cat chasing a mouse through the garden last night.
  2. Could you pass me the book on the table, please?
  3. She bought a new car yesterday.
  4. There’s an apple and an orange on the kitchen counter.
  5. Would you like a cup of tea or a coffee?
  6. He’s going to a university next year to study physics.
  7. The sun is shining brightly in the sky today.
  8. I need to buy a new pair of shoes for the upcoming trip.
  9. Have you seen the movie we talked about last week?
  10. She’s wearing a beautiful dress to the party tonight.

Thanks for practicing. Enjoy learning english with me.

See also  Article Worksheet For Grade 2

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