20 English Idioms in English With Meaning & Sentences

Idioms are an essential part of the English language, adding color and depth to everyday conversations. They are expressions whose meanings are not deducible from the literal definitions of the words that make them up. In this blog post, we will explore 20 English idioms that you can use to enrich your vocabulary and improve your understanding of native speakers.

Whether you’re a language learner or a seasoned speaker, these 20 English idioms will enhance your communication skills and help you sound more fluent and natural.

20 Idioms in English with Meaning

20 Idioms in English
1In the nick of timeThis idiom means “at the right moment” or “just in time.”
2To cut one’s lossesTo stop doing something that is not profitable or successful and move on to something else.
3Under your breathThis idiom means “in a low voice,” not loud enough for others to hear.
4Letting someone off the hookLetting them escape punishment for something they have done wrong.
5Angels on a pinA situation so unlikely as to be impossible; is an example of hyperbole or exaggeration.
6A face like thunderIt is used to describe someone is angry or upset about something.
7To take the bull by the hornsIt means facing a difficult situation instead of trying to avoid or ignore it.
8There’s more than meets the eyeIt means that something seems simple but has hidden complexities that aren’t immediately apparent at first glance!
9All’s well that ends wellEverything will turn out well in the end; no matter what happens, it’s good if it ends well.
10An elephant never forgetsThis idiom means that people have long memories and will not easily forget what has happened to them in the past.
11A leopard doesn’t change its spotsThis idiom means that people have a particular character or personality which does not change over time or with experience.
12As old as the hillsThis idiom is used to describe something very old and has been around for a long time.
13To cast pearls before swineTo waste something valuable on someone who does not appreciate it.
14It’s all Greek to meThis idiom means “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
15At first blushThis means that something looks good on the surface but may not be exactly what it seems.
16To throw one’s hat into the ringThis idiom means someone wants their name added as a candidate for an election, job position etc., especially if there is only one vacancy and many possible candidates.
17To put the cart before the horseTo do things in the wrong order or in the wrong way; to do something the wrong way.
18To keep one’s head above waterThis idiom means to manage financially and to have enough money to live.
19To be up in arms about somethingThis idiom means to be very angry about something or to feel strongly about it.
20Take the bull by the hornsThis idiom means to deal with a problem directly and without fear.

Here are 20 sentences using the idioms from the list:

  1. In the nick of time: The firefighters arrived in the nick of time to save the burning building.
  2. To cut one’s losses: After months of losing money, she decided to cut her losses and sell the failing business.
  3. Under your breath: He muttered something under his breath that I couldn’t quite hear.
  4. Letting someone off the hook: The teacher let him off the hook even though he didn’t do his homework.
  5. Angels on a pin: The debate was so theoretical it felt like discussing angels on a pin.
  6. A face like thunder: She walked into the room with a face like thunder after hearing the bad news.
  7. To take the bull by the horns: Instead of complaining, she decided to take the bull by the horns and fix the issue herself.
  8. There’s more than meets the eye: The project seems simple, but there’s more than meets the eye.
  9. All’s well that ends well: The trip had some hiccups, but all’s well that ends well.
  10. An elephant never forgets: He remembered every detail of the event because an elephant never forgets.
  11. A leopard doesn’t change its spots: Despite his promises, he didn’t change; a leopard doesn’t change its spots.
  12. As old as the hills: The legend of the haunted house is as old as the hills.
  13. To cast pearls before swine: Giving them such detailed advice was like casting pearls before swine.
  14. It’s all Greek to me: She tried to explain quantum physics, but it’s all Greek to me.
  15. At first blush: At first blush, the plan seemed perfect, but it had many flaws.
  16. To throw one’s hat into the ring: He decided to throw his hat into the ring and run for mayor.
  17. To put the cart before the horse: Planning the wedding before the proposal is putting the cart before the horse.
  18. To keep one’s head above water: Despite all the challenges, she managed to keep her head above water.
  19. To be up in arms about something: The community was up in arms about the proposed factory.
  20. Take the bull by the horns: To solve the budget issue, the manager decided to take the bull by the horns and make some tough cuts.
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Origins of the Above 20 English Idioms

  1. In the nick of time
    • Origin: This idiom dates back to the 16th century, where “nick” referred to a precise moment. It originally described the last, precise point at which something could be done successfully.
  2. To cut one’s losses
    • Origin: This phrase comes from the world of finance and gambling, where it is advised to stop spending money on a losing venture.
  3. Under your breath
    • Origin: The origin is uncertain, but it has been used since the 18th century to describe speaking softly enough that others cannot hear.
  4. Letting someone off the hook
    • Origin: This idiom comes from fishing. When a fish escapes from the hook, it is no longer in danger of being caught.
  5. Angels on a pin
    • Origin: This phrase comes from a theological debate among medieval scholars who speculated on how many angels could fit on the head of a pin.
  6. A face like thunder
    • Origin: This simile is derived from the dark, stormy appearance of thunderclouds, representing anger or displeasure.
  7. To take the bull by the horns
    • Origin: This idiom originates from bullfighting, where the matador must confront the bull directly and head-on.
  8. There’s more than meets the eye
    • Origin: This phrase became popular in the 1800s and means that there is more information or complexity to a situation than is initially apparent.
  9. All’s well that ends well
    • Origin: This idiom comes from the title of a play by William Shakespeare, emphasizing that a good ending can make up for any previous problems.
  10. An elephant never forgets
    • Origin: This phrase is based on the belief that elephants have excellent memories and can remember events and places for many years.
  11. A leopard doesn’t change its spots
    • Origin: This idiom comes from the Bible, specifically Jeremiah 13:23, which states that it is impossible for a leopard to change its spots.
  12. As old as the hills
    • Origin: This simile has been used since ancient times to describe something very old, as hills are among the oldest geological features.
  13. To cast pearls before swine
    • Origin: This phrase comes from the Bible, Matthew 7:6, where Jesus advises against giving what is sacred to those who cannot appreciate its value.
  14. It’s all Greek to me
    • Origin: This idiom was popularized by William Shakespeare in his play “Julius Caesar,” where Casca says he cannot understand Cicero’s speech because it is in Greek.
  15. At first blush
    • Origin: This phrase has been used since the 1500s, referring to the first appearance or initial view of something.
  16. To throw one’s hat into the ring
    • Origin: This idiom originates from boxing, where throwing one’s hat into the ring was a way to announce one’s intention to fight.
  17. To put the cart before the horse
    • Origin: This phrase dates back to Roman times and was used to describe a situation where things are done in the wrong order.
  18. To keep one’s head above water
    • Origin: This idiom likely comes from swimming, where keeping one’s head above water is necessary to avoid drowning, metaphorically applied to managing difficult situations.
  19. To be up in arms about something
    • Origin: This idiom dates back to the 17th century and refers to people literally taking up weapons in protest or anger.
  20. Take the bull by the horns
    • Origin: This idiom also originates from bullfighting, emphasizing confronting a problem directly and bravely.
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Final Words

Incorporating idioms into your speech and writing can significantly improve your English language skills. The 20 English idioms we’ve discussed in this blog post are just a starting point. They offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of expressions that make English such a vibrant and dynamic language. Practice using these idioms in context, and soon you’ll find that they come to you naturally in conversations. Remember, the more you use these 20 English idioms, the more confident and proficient you’ll become in expressing yourself in English.

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